Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Call it what you want

9th wedding anniversary is tomorrow, but I haven't mentioned it...and neither has my significant other. I did get him a gift yesterday that he will be shocked to receive because I have really been playing off that he doesn't need it. (He really doesn't, he already has too many, but it's something he wanted. I mean, I have tons of shoes. I would cry happy tears if he bought me a nice pair of shoes I wanted.) So at the rate we've been going lately, he'll probably still have forgotten it's our anniversary up until he gets a forwarded email tomorrow confirming the purchase of a bark river knife, and happy anniversary written in the subject box. Call me devious, sure but make sure you put that I'm good at it too. ;)

Feeling stronger although the losses have slowed down quite a bit. I think this week it's because I have gotten back into my bible. Unlike other Christians I've come into contact with I fail. You see I'm what you call a human, and sometimes I fail. Well let me rephrase that....EVERY STINKIN' DAY I fail. I had been neglecting my time with Him, and I was/am paying for it. I need to spend time with Him everyday, and when I don't I can't fully live up to Galatians 2:20. That means, I get road rage because someone pulled out in front of ME, I yell at the kids, because they disrespect ME, I get mad at my husband, because he made ME mad, I get sad and throw a pity party, because woe is on and so forth. When I spend time with Him (God is love so when I spend time with Love), I show more love to others. I see His love and mercy, that I don't deserve it, and cannot help but pass it on. I become gracious to the drivers around me, because deep down I don't know where they've been or where they're headed. I discipline my kids,yes, but I do it in love, because one of these days it'll be their turn, and I don't want my grand kids coming and telling me their mama or daddy yelled at them in anger. (Jesus never yelled at me in anger, and there's been a lot of times He probably should have..there's that mercy word again.)I love my husband regardless of what he does, because I cannot force him to be what he needs to be just like he can't force me. I can however force myself to behave. AND THE BIGGIE.....I have joy returned to me because this world is not my Home. No one feels comfortable living in a place that's not their home. Of course it's going to suck. So what!! The time I spend down here is a mere drop in the bucket compared to my eternity with the Lord when He decides to take me Home, and I think all these crappy things that come my way are little, and yes sometimes big, reminders of that.

Geez Louise! I don't know where all that came from! Guess my soul was typing instead of my head lol.

Everyone hang in there today!! One day at a time. Pay your body, and it'll pay you back! on diet cparker's own diet